Paris Trip Day 9

Champs_Elysees sign_canstockphoto21712583

The Champs-Elysees is in the 8th arrondissement and is one of the most famous streets in the world.

Wednesday. When all else fails, go shopping.

I had a hard time getting myself out of the door of the hostel. I’m tired from the rainy and/or damp cold weather here. At the hostel, I fixed what I call my French lunch: Some type of greens, rice with peas (from the Asian restaurant close to the hostel), red bell pepper, Maille dressing, in a croissant or baguette. Feeling a bit more French from my French lunch I went out and bought some souvenirs for myself and others. Then I walked to Champs-Elysees and went to Sephora. I spoke with someone who works there about wanting to stay in France. She is looking to go to New York to work; she said she is waiting for the Green Card lottery. She was very nice. I got to thinking about how excited she is at the prospect of working in New York: Wouldn’t it be cool if I could get rehired at Sephora, but in Paris, teaching English AND working with makeup and skin care? Talk about a dream job!

I spent a small fortune. I got some great products to replace my missing personal items. To make up for it I’m going to cut back for a few days.

One of the things I’ve been looking forward to most for this trip is to go on a dinner cruise on the Seine River. Since I’ve had to spend so much on replacing items that went missing, I’m going with Le Capitaine Fracasse dinner cruise: according to Rick Steves, it’s supposed to be the budget option at 55 – 80 Euros per person. I made my reservation online today for this coming Sunday.

THE SNORER IS GONE. I happened to mention to someone at the desk about the girl who snored and has been staying in my room, and he just smiled. He said there had been other comments made. I told him I would never think of complaining formally because I knew staying in a hostel there would be the risk of that. We had a good laugh.

I took a bath and soaked. I also used two of my new Christian Dior products (wash, samples of eye creams). I am looking forward to turning out the light, but not before thinking about B.G.: it’s her birthday today. I wonder how she’s doing. I haven’t spoken to her in a long time, but I still think of her on her birthday every year.

Happy Birthday, B.G.

Happy Birthday, B.G.

